Halloween Mummy Pizza

336-Halloween Mummy Pizza

Ingredients: Other

Servings: Snack

Cooking: 10 Minutes

Preparation: 10 Minutes

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Halloween Mummy Pizza


Ingredients :

  • 2 English muffins, cut in half
  • Mahram salsa sauce
  • black olives, sliced
  • Mozzarella cheese sticks, cut into thin strips
  • Mahram ketchup
  • Mahram Jalapeno pepper

Preparations :

Preheat oven to 380 degrees F. Place the English muffin halves on a baking sheet and bake until a little crispy, about 5 minutes. Remove the muffins from oven and spread a tablespoon of the mahram salsa sauce on each English muffin. Set the olive slices in place for the eyes.Lay the cheese strips across the faces to look like mummy bandages.Bake the Halloween mummies for 7-8 minutes, or until the cheese is melt. Serve with mahram kerchup and Jalapeno pepper.

Mahram products used :

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