Ingredients: Vegetables
Servings: Snack
Cooking: 30 Minutes
Preparation: 30 Minutes
Place rectangular pizza crust on sheet tray and bake in oven for 8-10 minutes in 425°F, until browned. Remove from oven and cool completely.
Spread Mahram Ranch Sauce over the entire cooked pizza crust.
Top with shredded carrots, chopped peppers, and cheese.
Use broccoli and cauliflower to create vertical lines resembling the lines of a football field.
Create “end zones”: Fill two rectangular shallow dishes: one with Ranch sauce and one with French sauce.
Use minced parsley to spell team names on top of each dish of dip or dressing (a.k.a. “end zone”).
Stack the snack-plates (the “stands”) two-plates-high by placing a short, wide glass in between them.
Recommended snacks: chicken wings, skewers, and raw vegetables. The possibilities are endless! Feel free to be creative.
Construct “goal posts” by cutting whole carrots into 10 planks. Build each post by using five planks and securing them with toothpicks, poked inside the carrot pieces.
Set red and yellow cherry tomatoes on the field for the “players.”
Add decorative mini-flags for display.